Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Ongoing Crisis Communication Planning - Managing - and Responding

Question: Describe about the Ongoing Crisis Communication for Planning, Managing, and Responding? Answer: Introduction: This activity provides effective knowledge and application of digital as well as internet marketing for the purpose of business. This assignment provides knowledge about effective content marketing strategy for the company Office Furniture. Officefurnitureonline.co.uk is a shop for providing different types of office furniture to the customers. There are 10,000 types of office furniture for selling to the customers. This internet-based company provides furniture to millions of customers. However, this assignment has discussed several useful aspects of internet marketing as well as digital marketing for developing the business operation within online forum. Describing the mechanics of search engine marketing: As discussed by Bezovski and Koceski (2013), the concept of search engine marketing is associated with the digital or internet marketing technique. It refers to the process of searching different products through internet or goggle by the customers. With the effective technique of search engine marketing, an online business company can gather benefit of business operation. Search engine marketing provides effective information about the product or the shops of the particular product towards the customers. However, with the new phase of advanced technology, every company has focused upon the marketing technique through online forum. Search engine marketing holds unique way of marketing the products to the targeted customers within the competitive sector of the market. This marketing technique is effective as well as very important for the age of information society (Jamuna, 2014). As discussed by Singh et al. (2011), search engine marketing can be considered as one of the important non-intrusive technique of marketing products for the customers of the market. However, this technique has derived from the online behavior of the audience. It can also be considered as one of the most important technique of content marketing of several products or services to the targeted group of customers within the market. Effective search engine marketing can enhance the profit of the organization by increasing the databases of the customers (Stearns, 2012). There are effective as well as successful steps for search engine marketing of an organization. In order to achieve great success in this process, an organization can obtain some techniques or mechanisms for enhancing the method of search engine marketing. First step includes in defining a purposeful strategy for this technique by identifying targeted audience or customers of the particular product line or the service. The needs as well as requirements of the customers should be identified for delivering effective strategy of search engine marketing. Second step includes choosing the best keywords for providing advantage to the customers. Most important as well as effective keywords or the phrase should be utilized for the customers. The effective term should be provided for the customers. It can be stated that customers should have the ability to recognize the keyword and phrase of the particular product of the company (Bashir, 2015). Third step refers to optimizing the content of the website of the particular company. In order to take the advantage of keyword or phrase, the content of the website should be optimized for the customers. The structure as well as design of the website should be very attractive and effective. A customer should identify the product easily through the newly optimized website (Hu, 2013). Fourth step includes management of the campaign of paid search engine. The company for the customers should present different types of pay per click advertising (Balakrishnan and Parekh, 2014). Fifth and last step includes measuring the success of the internet marketing activities of the company. The company should check the position in regular basis. The company should check the rank as well as position within the crowd of business companies within online sector of business. Copy of email marketing newsletter: Office furniture Get attractive furniture for your office Come to the largest online world of furniture. You cannot get these unique ranges of furniture anywhere in United Kingdom. You can get attractive furniture for your office purpose. Grab today a unique collection of furniture for your office. You can get effective offers of the chairs, tables and other purposes of office. You will get stylish office furniture for your purpose of office. You can also get different office elements for decorating the surroundings. Know more at Face book, Twitter Best practices for online public relations Online public relations are an effective process to influence the buying behaviour of the customers. It is of great essence for the organization to improve their online public relations in order to improve their customer occurrence rate of their respective websites. There are several advantages and as well as disadvantages of online public relations. The biggest advantage for online public relations is that it can cater a wide range of online customers. It can also create a wide range of responses by fulfilling the needs of the customers. In addition to this, it is also a cost effective process to stimulate the requirements of the customers as well as demands of its respective products and services. On the contrary, public relation is an extreme difficult process in terms of its codes and ethics and its process of implementation. In addition to this, it is not always necessary that the firms will get an adequate response from all their respective customers. Apart from this, it is also difficult for the organization Office furniture online to judge the exact response from their customers. In addition to this, a great deal of profession knowledge is required to implement the tool of online public relations within their systems (Maireder, 2014). There are several tools and techniques in terms of best practice of online public relations. The online organizations use this tool by proper segmentation of their target customers and determination of information sources of customers. This is the reason why the contemporary online organizations take the data of the customers once they visit their particular website. When a customer books any particular product, the respective organization gives different types of delivery options and mode of delivery to the given customer. They also monitor the respective coverage from the web traffic of the customers. This can only be done with the help of selection of appropriate vendors to develop the tool of online public relations. In addition to this, the organizations also try to get personal information of the customers in order to contact with the customers in future through email marketing or mobile marketing. It is of great essence of the organization to implement the tool of mobile marke ting to establish an effective relationship with the online customers (Shih et al. 2013). It is also important for the firm Office furniture online to implement best affiliations and partnerships with the respective vendors and suppliers. Apart from this, the organizations can also implement interactive display advertising to attract the customers and also to judge the effectiveness of their products and services. Another best online public relation practice can be implemented through different online techniques in order to support online media. This can be done through proper back office support and also to direct customer interaction. In addition to this, face to face interaction or connecting with the customers through email or mobile phones. This will assist the organization to develop an awareness of their products and also creating several strategies of viral marketing. This can also be considered as one of the best practices of online public relations. In addition to this, the organization office furniture online needs to implement all the techniques of best practi ces to attract the customers and also to stay in touch with the customers (Coombs, 2014). Importance of new digital media communities for the business organizations The modern business era has witnessed the growth of new digital media communities like several social media websites or even several file sharing sites. The organization Office furniture online has a considerable amount of online community presence through Facebook, twitter or LinkedIn. However, it has a wide scope of improvement to establish more connections through new digital media communities. This can be done with the help of search engine optimization and improving connection with the customers through different websites, blogs, social media websites, etc. Through this process, they also take the feedback from the respective customers. The organization can also use digital communities like Sony Play station to manage their customers effectively. This will further assist the organization to judge the demand of the customers and stay close with the customers. In addition to this, the organization can also implement the tool of file sharing and distribution of their product brochu re and give attractive discounts to the customers. In addition to this, the organization Office furniture online may also tie up with organizations who give gift coupons in order to stay close to the customers (Scott and Scott, 2011). Market Research Literature Review: In this particular research, we used the primary data to collect the interest of the existing customers which will help to produce the new products according to the customers requirements (Tseng and Teng, 2014). Primary data gives more information about the internet marketing and become more preferable than the secondary data to maintain better relationships with the customers of the company. Primary data provides the needs of the customers for using the internet marketing to promote the brand name in the commercial market. Methodology The research analyst of this research study has observed that the internet users and the management of an organization prefer internet marketing. The research is mainly based on the survey on the web. Nowadays, the management of organization is using internet marketing to promote their brand name to penetrate in the market and how the management of the Furniture Office Company is having a better customer relationship management. The research analyst has made three questions. On the basis of all the four questions, the survey has been made by the research analyst. With the help of internet technology like Java Servlet, the analyst has sent the questions to get a proper response regarding the questions made by the research analyst (Ã…Å ¡wieczak, 2012). The research analyst has mainly focused on the management of many organizations established in United Kingdom and comparing the customer relationship management of Furniture Company. The analyst has used the sampling bias method to get the responses from the management of the different organizations and from the managers of different organization established in the United Kingdom (Tsekouropoulos et al., 2013). It has been observed by the research analyst that the management of different firm has adapted the internet marketing to promote their brand name in the market to penetrate in the market and how it brings a positive impact on maintaining better customer relationships with their customers in the market. Online Survey The designed questionnaire are as follows:- Rating of online CRM of Office Furniture OnlineDo you think the tools of internet marketing of Office Furniture Online Company is effective or notIs there any scope of improvement for Office Furniture Online Company in case of internet marketing Results of Demographic Variable United Kingdom Type of Industry Furniture Company 50 Age of the Company 1 to 2 3 3 to 4 12 5 to 6 15 7 to 8 5 Above 10 15 From the above mentioned table, it has been observed that the research analyst of the research study is comparing the results with the Furniture Office Company in UK and also take other 50 companies established in UK to gather a better outcomes from the survey. The respondents are taken from the different companies with different age of the companies (Internet marketing start to finish, 2012). So it has been found that the new companies has adapted the internet marketing strategies to promote their brand name in the market which will serve a better relationship with their customers and the old companies have also adapted the internet marketing strategies to promote their brand name in the market and also have a positive impact on the customer relationship management by the Furniture Company. Testing of Hypothesis in Furniture Office Hypothesis Casual Affiliation T.F2 D.T3 M4 Outcomes H- 1 PRT - PB (-) .212 .125 2.312 .025 Positive H- 2 PRT - PB (-) .331 .145 1.214 .010 Positive H- 3 PRT PRP (+) .647 .134 4.356 0 Positive H- 4 PEU - PU (+) .822 .321 6.712 0 Positive H- 5 PEU - PB (+) .154 .124 .412 .321 Negative H- 6 PU - PB (+) .524 .121 2.213 .027 Positive Outcomes of Hypothesis Test: As mentioned in the test of hypothesis, the research analyst has assumed H1 and H2, both the variables as the negative affect for using the internet marketing to promote their brand names in the market. So from the above mentioned table, it has been observed that the different management of various companies and the different managers of various companies has adapted the internet marketing to promote their brand name and brand image in the market by penetrating their products in the market (Idemudia, 2014). It has also been observed from the table that the United Kingdom Companies has given a positive response on internet marketing by maintaining a better relationship with their customers. Testing of Hypothesis in Other Companies Hypothesis Casual Affiliation T.F2 D.T3 M4 Outcomes H- 1 PRT - PB (-) .103 .076 1.467 .222 Negative H- 2 PRT - PB (-) .12 .111 1.122 .126 Negative H- 3 PRT PRP (+) .427 .067 5.124 0 Positive H- 4 PEU - PU (+) .725 .071 6.667 0 Positive H- 5 PEU - PB (+) .221 .24 .355 .023 Positive H- 6 PU - PB (+) .062 .22 1.337 .115 Positive Outcomes of Hypothesis Test: As mentioned in the test of hypothesis, the research analyst has assumed H1 and H2, both the variables as the negative affect for using the internet marketing to promote their brand names in the market. So from the above mentioned table, it has been observed that the different management of various companies and the different managers of various companies has adapted the internet marketing to promote their brand name and brand image in the market by penetrating their products in the market (DavidaviÄ ienÄ— and SabaitytÄ—, 2014). It has also been observed from the table that the United Kingdom Companies has given a positive response on internet marketing by maintaining a better relationship with their customers. Internet Marketing plan for office furniture online are following: Situation Analysis: Office furniture onlines product mainly focuses on the target customer who has recognition for quality craftsmanship and materials in their office environment who wishes to assimilate technology. They are offering their products with discounted prices to their customers so that they can attract the more customers. They are targeting their market through the online process. Basically they are targeting mass market for their business activities. Therefore, there are offering a low cost product range to their customer. They are developing a specific niche for their products that helps them to increase their profitability within a very short period (Smith and Zook, 2011). Key performance indicators: Lead response time: its very important for the company to give a quick response at the time of lead generation. For example if one customer is happy with the services that has given by the office furniture online then he/she recommends another people to try out their products. Rate of contact: with the help of the existing customers the company can increase their rate of contact. Beside that the company should search for their prospects through the online process. Rate of follow up contact: those customers who are already avail their services through the online processes; it is the responsibility of the company to follow up their customers time to time so that the company can increase their sales volume. Social media usage: the company is offering their products through the online process so social media is one of the platforms that should use by the company to attract the more customers. The resources should be used efficiently. Waste should be minimizing like water, energy, packag ing, raw materials etc (Shih, et al. 2013).Implementation of strategies and strategic market segmentation. Offering the products to the mass market. Successful historical growth in sales from increased capital. Technological challenges faced by the company.Lack of methods in marketing activities like direct marketing (catalog, word of mouth).Low cost structure.Sales and marketing through the online process. Creating a new channel of distribution.Specific strategy to produce High-end acknowledgement for the quality materials.Corporate restructuring and employees turnover helps the company to grow.The company should elect several methods to advertise their products through the online process like email campaigns etc. Healthy economic growth nation-wide generated by the new entrants. Specific marketing strategy for each and every product. Diversified market segments (Lu et al. 2013).Through the traditional high-quality furniture workmanship and dominance of high technology ergonomics, this the competitive edge for the industry. The company should make a strategy on how to increase their sales volume through the online process so that they can attract the maximum number of customers. Target customer: The company is targeting the mass market to offer their products and services to the customers. Though they are giving their services through online process, the price of the products is low. Therefore, the customers can easily avail their products at any time (Mills and Law, 2013). Pay per click advertising campaign: Pay per click advertising campaigns have 7 steps that needs to follow by the company to increase their sales volume. Those steps are following: Keyword research and grouping: The Company should research thoroughly on how to increase their online sales and on the basis of that they can start their grouping in the process of advertisement. Demographic/geographic targeting: The Company is based on UK. They are mainly targeting the customers of UK so that they can deliver their products and services within a short period of time. Create multiple ads: The Company is offering their products only through the online process. Therefore, the company should develop multiple ads to attract the customers more. Create landing pages: The Company should use a proper subject headline for the landing page so that it can catches the customers eye (Boone and Kurtz, 2013).Split test ads landing pages: Before publishing the landing page, the company should give split ads to see whether their ads receives a proper response or not. This testing is very important to increase their market value in the industry. Monitors CTRs and conversion rate: The company should monitor click through rate (CTR) and conversion rate so that they can see whether the customers are accepting their conversion rate or not. Conclusion It can be concluded that the organization Office furniture online can considered all the tools and techniques of online marketing and online public relations to effect their customer relationship management in a positive manner. In addition to this, the findings and analysis of the online survey will be of great essence for the organization. References Coombs, W. T. 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